NFL Alumni Launches a New Discount Medical Plan with Competitive Health.
The NFL Alumni (NFLA) and Competitive Health, Inc. today announced the launch of a new Discount Medical Plan that will be available to all NFL Alumni former player members and their immediate family. The Discount Medical Plan features valuable benefits including access to vision, dental, pharmacy, medical bill negotiation, hearing, lab, imaging services, and much more.
Through this new benefit, former players and their immediate families will have access to national health networks and services that save our members money when they have a service that is limited or not covered by insurance.
”Helping our members maintain strong health and wellness is one of our top priorities, so I’m thrilled to make this discount medical plan available to our members. Being able to provide a benefit like this has been a goal of ours and ability to help our members shrink their out of pocket healthcare costs will definitely be a huge help to our alumni.
Joe PisarcikCEO & President of the NFLA
“WellCard Savings provides access to services that help Associations and their members save money on prescriptions, dental, vision, hearing, lab, imaging, services, etc. that are not covered or limited. The convenience of offering members access to one platform of healthcare perks is something that isn’t available in the marketplace,” said Kimberly Darling, Founder and CEO of Competitive Health. “We are looking forward to our relationship with the NFL Alumni and being able to provide its members with meaningful services.”
”Sometimes when you’re dealing with healthcare plans, like dental and vision, there are annual limitations. Access to WellCard Savings will help our alumni. Members and their immediate families will have access to dentists, vision plans, and pharmacies, with no limit on the number of times it can be utilized.
Joe PisarcikCEO & President of the NFLA
About the NFL Alumni Association
The NFL Alumni Association is a nationwide group of former National Football League players, coaches and other employees whose mission is to serve, assist and inform former players and their families.
The association offers a variety of medical, financial and social programs to help members lead healthy, productive and connected lives, as well as community initiatives under its “Caring for Kids” programs. For more information, please visit
About Competitive Health
Competitive Health, Inc. is the preeminent supplier of healthcare network access. The firm’s direct agreements with the nation’s leading telehealth companies, retail clinics, and PPO networks, position Competitive Health to provide unlimited access and unprecedented savings to clients and members. CHI is a full-service healthcare marketplace featuring a suite of virtual, concierge, and ancillary product solutions.
Competitive Health has saved hundreds of millions of dollars for insurance carriers, third-party administrators, affinity groups and exchanges since 1996.